External Use > Ointment > Hemodin Ointment “Patron ”
派頓 痔淨能軟膏
Hemodin Ointment “Patron ”
Model: 24
Product specifications:10G / x20 / box x12 box / carton
This medicine must be prescribed by a physician
Health Insurance Number: A018598329

Each gram contains:

Phenylephrine HCl 1mg、Betamethasone Valerate 500mcg、Lidocaine HCl 25mg。


Propylene Glycol、Vaseline。


Indications: External hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, perianal inflammation, anal pruritus, anal eczema, anal ulcers, anal fissures.

Dosage: Usually 2 to 3 times a day. After the affected part is washed, apply to the affected part in an appropriate amount. The medicine can be used in the rectum.